Inertia of Motion: Newton's First Law
Persistence of Motion
PIRA Class: 1F30.10

To observe the persistence of an object in a motion that is relatively free of external forces

An object in motion (cart on an air track) will stay in the same motion (same speed, same direction) unless acted upon by an external, unbalance force (air resistance, end of track bumpers)
1. Set up air track up w/ rubberband bumpers at each end; attach air supply.
2. Check level of air track and shim if necessary
3. Place cart on air track and give it its initial motion. (To increase the duration of the run, add equal masses to each side of cart)
VARIATION: Use PASCO's motion detector to note the minimal changes in the magnitude
of the cart's velocities.

PEDAGOGY: Ask students: "Are there any forces acting on the cart?"

Air Track, Air Track Accessories, Air Supply